Star Kombucha’s Brand Ambassador: "Having a work-life balance is essential" | Vietcetera
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Oct 09, 2020

Star Kombucha’s Brand Ambassador: "Having a work-life balance is essential"

We meet with Star Kombucha's Brand Ambassador Bang Chau, to learn of her secrets to maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Star Kombucha’s Brand Ambassador: "Having a work-life balance is essential"

Star Kombucha’s Brand Ambassador, Bang Chau. | Source: Star Kombucha.


A few weeks ago when Star Kombucha was about to debut in Vietnam, we met with Mr. Paul Nguyen Hung, the company’s founder, to learn about the journey leading to the launch of the first Vietnamese Kombucha brand.

Today, we are opening our doors to the Star Kombucha team once again, this time to welcome Ms. Bang Chau, Star Kombucha’s brand ambassador. 

Chau got her big break as a runner-up in Miss Sport and Fashion 1995. She went on to conquer the runway, most recently walking Si Hoang’s 30th anniversary show. Not stopping there, she became one of the panelists for Miss Global Woman.

Acting and singing feature on her impressive resume as well. As an actress, she has taken on roles from different TV series and films. Whereas as a singer, she has appeared on numerous musical events, including "Que Huong Bien Goi”and “Huong Tram No Hoa Tam”.

Currently, Chau is serving as the Director of the Prince & Princess Academy; a lecturer at Pro-Image, a company providing communication training; and the Vice President of Open Arms, a charity organization.

Star Kombucha’s Brand Ambassador, Bang Chau | Source: Star Kombucha.

Chau has an effortless way of making everyone around her smile, radiating positivity and youthful energy. “No, I haven’t discovered an elixir of youth,” she laughs. “Just a life-work balance that allows me to live harmoniously and look my best”. We want to hear more.

What is your definition of a happy life?

There are three elements to happiness: your health, your family and your passion. 

Your health is the foundation of everything, while your family is an incubator of positive energy — a happy home will give you the strength to persevere in life. And your career opens up a world of endless possibilities. 

Women don't have to be the perfect employee or the perfect housewife to have a fulfilling life. Instead, they should be able to pursue whichever path is calling to them. For some, happiness is a fulfilling career, for others it’s family.

What does your typical day look like?

My day always starts at 6:30 AM when I wake my son up for breakfast. After dropping him off at school, I spend the next hours doing yoga or working out in the gym. 

With workout out of the way, business hours kick in. It's quite flexible and varies from day to day, since in addition to lecturing, I attend events and make regular talk talk show appearances. From 7 PM onward, I help my son with his homework followed by a heart-to-heart conversation. An important bonding moment for both of us.

What do you prioritise the most: your personal life, your family and your work life?

People's priorities don't remain the same throughout different stages in life.

When I was younger and still single, the only thing that I was passionate about was art. As such, my entire life revolved around work. But now that I've got married and had a son, my top concern is taking care of my family. It was without regret and hesitation that I decided to take a pause in my creative pursuits so that I could provide the best care for my son. 


People's priorities don't remain the same throughout different stages in life.| Source: Co Nguyen for Vietcetera. |

When it was time for him to start school, I returned to the arts, as well as taking on additional roles, and how I organize my hours has changed considerably since then.

Personally, my family is more important to me than my career. That's why I usually only work on weekdays and try to finish everything by 7PM. I rarely take on lessons or participate in activities outside of these hours. I dedicate my evenings and weekends to spending time with my family. It’s how I maintain my work-life balance. 

Where does the strength to maintain that balance come from? 

It boils down to being in good health, doing exercise, maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. I know it sounds cliche, but the effectiveness of this approach has been proven time and again. 

Our bodies count on us to be in tip top shape. At the end of the day, what people see on the outside, your outer skin and hair appearance, reflects the state of your inner health.


Your outer skin and hair appearance reflects the state of your inner health. | Source: Star Kombucha.

Your complexion is essential to initiating and maintaining relationships. People might feel a certain discomfort being around someone who seems visibly upset and irritated.

In addition, I've trained myself to see life through a brightly colored lens. Of course, you can’t avoid the ups and downs in life. But I choose to look at the root of a problem and stay positive when dealing with the curveballs life throws at me. We can’t eliminate anguish and heartache but it’s up to us how we conduct ourselves in such situations. 

Can you share more details about your diet? 

I'm a meticulous person when it comes to dietary habits. I have 4 meals a day, keeping portions small not to get stuffed. My diet is low in fat with plenty of fruits and vegetables. And no eating after 7PM.

After every meal, especially breakfast, I usually drink a glass of juice. But I am currently replacing it with a can of Star Kombucha. I try out a different flavor everyday.

My personal message to everyone is that health is at the core of everything in life. Live the life that you desire, but don't forget to listen to your body. | Source: Co Nguyen for Vietcetera.

Having used it for 6 months, the biggest benefit that I've noticed from the drink is the energy-replenishing effect. At times, when I am not getting enough sleep or when my schedule gets too hectic, drinking Star Kombucha helps me shake off the drowsiness. 

I also choose to drink Star Kombucha daily for its special properties. Containing different probiotics, this fermented drink has the ability to boost the immune system, something that we all need, especially considering the current circumstances. 

What would you say to women who are not yet converted to trying out a balanced lifestyle? 

Each person's circumstances are unique, so “imposing” my lifestyle on others or giving a one-size-fits-all kind of advice is not going to work.

Instead, I’d like to share a personal message. Health is at the core of everything in life. Live the life that you desire, but don't forget to listen to your body. Think of ‘wellness’ as an important mission that you need to accomplish everyday. 

This article is adapted by Uyen Do.

